Tuesday 13 May 2014

When he past comes to bite you in the ass...

So, you might be thinking whats up with that title and whats with the slightly passive agressive sexual references...but my ex has come back into the picture.I dated him for a year on and off... and he literally calls me out of the blue.A part of me would consensually say he is definatly interested, and other half seems to disagree...most of the time.I waited around for him for nearly a year, to call me text me mail me SOMETHING , and he didnt, so I did what any classic independent woman would do...

I moved on.

I went about my life in complete normalcy , had crushes, dated a few guys and generally forgot about the elusive Elmi, he was everything I wanted and yet we we're so young.Of all the guys I got to know i still had him at the back of mind, images of us having our late night conversations and endless sexual inuendos was basically my summer of 2010-11.But why do i feel so weird, almost as though he still has a piece of my heart, to be pretty sensible and reasonable i would probably tell myself its old feelings resurfacing, but if i was going to be the bitch that I tend to be, i would say its the cheesy chips I had last night.

All jokes aside, i seriously am weirded out, he is this strange combo of brooding and mysterious yet so totally readable, it bugs me to death, i never know what he is thinking sometimes, he tells me he has feelings for me, and then goes back to treating me like a kid; weird is an understatement here .

A part of me is scared .

I dont think I want to be involved with him again, does he want to hook up ? because i'm not that kind of girl, perverted I am but a dhillo, I most certain am not.My values and morals are who I am, I may not be amazing but it's what I've taught myself, respect is pretty important to me, in more ways than one .

so to end this little rant I honestly will play it cool, act aloof and uninterested, normal and let him decide if im one to fuck with.

Pun intended.